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This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.Īcorn, R.C. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. Effectiveness in field conditions can be improved when used in conjunction with other management practices. We suggest that in certain settings, the method can be effective in reducing livestock depredation, provided proper equipment is used with adequate maintenance. We also present an assessment of the use of electric fences as a deterrent for jaguars and pumas, Puma concolor in captive conditions in two zoological parks. We describe the use of electric fences and other management alternatives at a cattle ranch in the Pantanal, Brazil, as a measure to decrease jaguar predation. Livestock depredation by jaguars creates conflict with ranchers, which makes the conservation of the species a challenging issue. Nevertheless, the region harbours the largest beef cattle herd of the country. The Pantanal of Brazil is an important area for jaguar, Panthera onca, conservation.